Ergonomics and Standing Desks

Ergonomics: the science of designing the workplace, keeping in mind the capabilities and limitations of the worker.

There are several factors to consider when setting up a workstation to work optimally during your day. The biggest factor overall is comfort, because you want to make sure that during the workday you have the best ability to complete tasks in the best environment possible. Poor worksite design leads to fatigued, frustrated and hurting workers. This leads to sick days, injuries, and most importantly lost productivity.

Here are some key points to note about how you can change your ergonomics to better suit your working environment:

  1. You want to make sure you position your chair so that you can have your knees at the same height as your hips. This will take a lot of stress off of your lower back during the course of the day. If you’re not able to have your feet reach the ground, I would advise to get a small step-stool for your feet to elevate your knees just above your hips.

  2. You want to make sure that when you are sitting that you keep the top of your computer monitor at your eye level.

  3. If you need to be moving around, I highly recommend getting a standing desk to allow your body to freely move better. This will help strengthen your legs, core, and overall posture.

  4. If you do opt for the standing desk, make sure you consciously know that to have good posture standing that you want to make sure that you “tuck” your pelvis. This will help reinforce good core and pelvic stability during your workday.

I have written several Doctor’s notes over my time as a chiropractor for those in need of a standing desk, and my patients have heavily benefited from them. I am a big fan of and especially their Ergo Spring Standing Desk Converter . The best thing about this desk is that it is adjustable so that you are able to sit or stand as you need to during the course of your workday. It all breaks down again to quality of life and healthy living. And if you are going to be working throughout a good portion of your life, you may as well make sure that you are comfortable during those times.

#Anthrodesk #Standingdesk #Ergonomics #Office #Workstation #Desksetup #HealthyLiving

Adam McBride